Tuesday, January 28, 2020

East Asian Art Essay Example for Free

East Asian Art Essay One mark of how developed a culture is its art forms. The arts are a large aspect or subdivision of a culture. So much of a culture’s beliefs and traditions are reflected of expressed in various art forms. Art is made by an artist, an artist’s way of seeing and interpreting things are dictated by the culture of the society of which he is a part of; this is the relationship of the arts and culture. They have a link that cannot be severed. Ancient art forms that are reflective of a societal culture can include architecture, calligraphy, culinary arts, dance, drawing/ painting, fashion, music, language, literature, sculpture, crafts, and theatre; all these are represent the rich culture of a society. Some new and modern art forms that have been brought upon by technology include film and photography. As for East Asia, in geographical context, it is the region of Asia covering 12, 000, 000 square kilometers, which is 28% of the whole Asian continent. Countries in the East Asian territory currently include Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, and Taiwan. East Asia being the home of some of the first great and influential cultures and civilizations, their ancient works of art would be a good area of study to understand how their culture developed. During the ancient times, the major societies that served as the cultural roots of the region are China, Japan and Korea. Understanding how their culture began through the events that transpired in the first 500 years of the Common Era that contributed to the development of their art can give us an insight on what their culture was and how the present culture of the region came to be.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Culture :: Essays Papers

Culture Dominica’s culture is very unique as it has changed hands between European countries such as Spain, Great Britain, and France, who brought African’s as slaves to work the fields. As a result of this combination of different cultures, Dominica contains characteristics that combine to make what is called Creole. This Creole is the mixing of these cultures in language, music, art, food, architecture, religion, dance, dress, and sports. France has had the most noticeable affect on Dominica, which is seen through the majority of Dominicans practicing Roman Catholicism, the French based patois, and the French place names. The best example of this culture is seen in their Carnival, which involves an out pouring of Calypso as the islanders celebrate their heritage through dress, dance, and food. The language of Creole is very different as it is a language formed by the combination of pidginized French, as well as a variety of African languages. Creole not only explains the language but the culture as it means a person of mixed French or Spanish and black descent, speaking a dialect of either French or Spanish. This combination of influences is also seen in the styles of dress as women have outfits that resemble a French provincial woman’s. These dresses have altered over time, as the holidays of Jupe and Chemise in slave times created the "assemble" which is still popular today. This outfit is made up of a floor length skirt, with a bright colored cotton chemise over the white cotton skirt. The older women tend to wear a long sleeved velvet jacket over to be more dignified as the young woman have shorter sleeves. In the Creole culture the style of dress is seen as an art form as many different pieces make up the beautiful contrasts of bright colors to white. There was even a chart for matching foulards and madras handkerchiefs with the dress. These colors were determined by the shade of color the woman was as the different complexions contrasted better with certain colors. All the components that make up these outfits such as the Tete mawe, mouchwe madwas, gard zowel, mouche vanille, chemise decolletee, foulard, portes bonheur, jupe, and jupon or cotillon. (www.delphis.dm/trad_dress.htm) Another large part of the Creole culture is seen during Dominica’s Carnival. Carnival is a tradition all over the Caribbean, it takes place over the course of several days and involves parades, concerts, and many other festive events.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Philosophy with Logic Essay

Philosophy has many questions- Asking the right questions†¦ From Greek word PHILO (Love) & SOPHIA (Wisdom) which means lover of wisdom * PHYTAGORAS, a Greek Philosopher, was the first to use the term Philosophy. * He noted that there are three types of man: a. lover of pleasure b. lover of success c. lover of wisdom * the last, according to him, is the SUPERIOR TYPE. * Wisdom here deals with the principles of things, the first cause of all beings. It deals with an understanding on the meaning of one’s existence and the importance of things around her/ him (Socio, 2007). The chief goal of wisdom is a fundamental understanding of reality as it relates to living a good life. * We might say then, that wisdom is good judgement about complex situations. Consequently, wisdom involves reflection, insight, a capacity to learn from experience and some plausible conception of the human condition (Buenaflor, 2009). Philosophy is a search for meaning and therefore intended only for the rational beings. He who has the why of things can bear almost any how†¦- Victor Frankyl Philosophy uses reason to attain its object. Whatever is one’s state in life, whenever she is and whatever she does she will always be left philosophizing. Therefore philosophy is always present. Philosophy- The science of all things by their first causes as known by the light of reason Philosophy covered all aspects of human knowledge. The early philosophers believed that philosophy is the foundation of all learning in the possibility of a total world picture and in the unity of all truths- whether scientific, ethical, religious or aesthetic. Philosophy as subject sought to provide if not all the answers the, the answers to at least the most ultimate and fundamental questions. Why study Philosophy? The study of Philosophy is very important because it offers students a chance to explore the fundamental questions about human existence and to see exactly what thinkers in different periods have had about the essence of human being. Philosophy can help clarify our thoughts. The clearer a person thinks the more she/he expresses himself/herself and more accurate way of examining and making decisions about life. It is philosophy that digs into the root causes of man’s problems and discovers the true solutions and remedies to human ills. Plato- The Philosopher King Why study Philosophy? Philosophy is one of the best ways of enriching your life, even as it prepares you for life. Philosophy’s critical skills offer the best defense against foolishness and falsehoods. Philosophy is one of the most practical subjects in college. Logic helps the students in the following areas: * Interpretation & Analysis * Abstract Reasoning * Research & Synthesis * Communications Branches of Philosophy. * Logic- the science of correct reasoning * Epistemology- it deals with the origin and validity of human knowledge * Metaphysics- it deals with the study of beings and the origin of things. * Theodicy- the study of God in the light of natural reason. (Philosophy of Religion) * Cosmology- the study of the universe from a philosophical viewpoint * Philosophical or Rational Psychology- the study of man not only as a thinking or sensing being but as compose of body and soul * Ethics- a philosophical study that deals with how life should be lived and the means of attaining a meaningful existence. * Aesthetics or Philosophy of Arts- deals with the philosophical study of arts and beauty. It answers the question like What is beauty? Philosophy can also be divided into the following branches called Philosophies of Discipline * Philosophy of Persons- it deals with the study about the dignity of man, truth, freedom, justice, love, death and his relationship with others and with God. * Social Philosophy- it deals with the philosophical study of a society and its institutions. It is concerned in determining the features of the best society as it deals with the study of relationships of the human person. * Philosophy of Science- This deals with the justification and objectivity of scientific knowledge. * Philosophy of mathematics- The aim of philosophy of mathematics is to provide an account of the nature and methodology of mathematics and its importance. * Philosophy of Law- This branch of philosophy deals with the why’s of the law. It also aims to guide people’s actions in political community and thereby protect basic interests or rights. * Philosophy of Education- This branch of philosophy provides a philosophical understanding of the issues in education. It deals with the different methods of education and its effects in the learning of the human person. * Philosophy of Psychology- it deals with everyday reflections on ones thoughts and deeds and on the behavior of others * Philosophy of Religion- Study of God from a philosophical viewpoint * Philosophy of History- This branch of Philosophy is an attempt to answer substantive questions dealing with such matters as the significance or possible purpose of the historical processes and the factors fundamentally responsible for historical development and change. * Philosophy of Love- this branch deals with the meaning and value of love in the human person. * Philosophy of Culture- This is the philosophical study of all aspects of human life. Its aim is to interpret and transmit to future generations the system of values. * Philosophy of Women- This is also called philosophy of feminism, which refers to the study of the legal and political rights of women, as well as the relationship between the sexes in terms of inequality, subordination, or oppression. What is the basic requirement of becoming a Philosopher? – The faculty of wonder. – philosophy asks the question WHY? Where did Philosophy originates? West- Greece East- China and India Factors that contribute to the development of Philosophy in Greece * Geography * Invention of Games * Invention of coins * Myths Logic Etymologically, Logic is deduced from the Greek word Logike denoting a treatise on matters pertaining to thought. The term was coined by Zeno the Stoic. St. Thomas Aquinas defines Logic as the art that directs the reasoning process so that man may attain knowledge of truth in an orderly way, with ease and without error. As art, Logic is the tool of all sciences. The Scholastics considered it as â€Å"the art of all other arts† because it is used in every science and in every practical endeavor. As science, Logic studies the logical properties involved in the act of knowledge such as the logic of notions or concepts, the logic of judgement, the logic of reasoning and the logic of science. As science, Logic is a systematized body of logical truths and principles governing the habit of critical thinking and reasoning. History of Logic Zeno the Stoic coined the actual name Logic. He established the rules of argumentation to clarify the nature of concepts by using the Prior and Posterior analytics of Aristotle’s logical works. This endeavor degenerated because of the clever rhetoric and subtle persuasion of the Sophists. Socrates refuted the error by vindicating the value concepts in knowing reality. Plato, the most distinguished student of Socrates, philosophized that truth is the same as the ultimate, ideal reality. Aristotle corrected this error. He wrote six treatises on Logic known as the â€Å"Organon† He stated that ideas are mental operations that exist only in the mind. He is considered as the founder of science. Porphyrius wrote the categories of Aristotle known as â€Å"Isagoge’ Boethius translated Aristotle’s Organon and wrote commentaries on the Isagoge. Avicenna and Averroes wrote commentaries of Aristotle’s Organon Thomas Aquinas wrote commentaries on the logical works of Aristotle Francis Bacon wrote the â€Å"Novum Organon†. He introduced the Theory of Induction. John Stuart Mill developed Bacon’s â€Å"Novum Organon† Recently, George Boole founded the New Symbolic Logic . Because of its limited scope of application its popularity declined. Methods of Reasoning. * Inductive method- where we can obtain universal knowledge by considering the particular ex. Repeated experience of seeing falling bodies towards the ground. We may induce that this is common to all bodies. * Deductive- When we proceed from universal knowledge to particular cases ex. Logic is divided according to the three acts of the mind. * Apprehension * Judgement * Reasoning Simple Apprehension It is the basic operation of the mind or â€Å"the mental processes by which we grasp the general meaning of the thing without affirming or denying anything about it. It is the basic operation of the mind that leads to a concept; ex. â€Å"man† â€Å"dog† Judgment It is the act of the mind by which we compare two concepts, either they agree or not. If we put concepts together, the end result is called judgement or proposition. Ex. Man Laughs Reasoning It is the act of the mind by which we derive new truths from previously assumed truth. The mind combines several judgments or propositions in order to arrive at a previously unknown judgment; it is called syllogism. Ex. All men are walking Cyrus is a man. Therefore Cyrus is walking. Mental Act External Sign Apprehension Term Judgement Proposition Reasoning Syllogism Terms. The term deduced from the Latin â€Å"terminus† is the extramental symbol of an idea. A term is an external expression of an idea. Ideas are mental expressions of external objects. Logical properties of terms * Comprehension of a term- It is the sum total of all the qualities / elements that comprise the meaning of the term; A manifestation of the essence of the object. It is also known as connotation. The comprehension of animal is â€Å"sentient living material substance†. * The Extension of a Term- It is the sum total of the particulars to which the comprehension of a term can be applied. It is also known as denotation e. g. The extension of the comprehension â€Å"sentient living material substance(animal) is birds, mammals, reptiles, birds, mammals etc.. The comprehension and extension of terms are inversely related. The greater the comprehension the lesser the extension and vice-versa | Comprehension| Extension| Substance| substance| Spirits, minerals, plants, brutes,men| Body| Material substance| Minerals, plants, brutes, men| Organism| Living material substance| plants, brutes, men| Animal| Sentient living material substance| brutes, men| Man| Rational sentient living material substance| Men| Classification of Terms I. According to Extension Extension of Terms- is defined as property of a term by which such a term is applied to other things. Terms have three extensions namely Singular, Particular and Universal * Singular Term is an extension of term that stands for a single definite individual or group. It is used to specify the individual or group. It is quantified by: * Demonstrative pronouns- This, That e. g. this book, that boy * The article â€Å"the† connotes a single idea e. g. the cup, the umbrella * Personal Pronouns- I, You, He, my, yours , he ,she. * Collective nouns- flock, clan, team * Particular Terms-stand for a definite part of the absolute extension. This is applied to a given part of a given group. Particular terms have the following quantifiers 1. ) Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives- Some, few, many, most, several, not all, etc. e. g. some people, most roads 2. ) Use of Numbers- seven candidates 3. ) Articles â€Å"A† and â€Å"AN† give a particular idea e. g. a saucer, an umbrella Universal terms- stands for every subject signified. This is when meaning is extended to each and every member of the group. The signs of universality are: 1.) Universal Expression/Quantifiers- all, every, each, whatever, whoever, which ever, without exception, everything, no, no one etc. e. g. Ex. No man is an island; All students of Rogationist College will wear their uniform 2. ) Universal Ideas- e. g. Tomorrow is a new day; Dogs are not cats 3. ) Articles in the Universal idea- e. g. The book has pages; A snake is a dangerous creature II. According to Meaning * Univocal- it signifies the same concept or essence, in (at least) two occurrences of the term e. g. Gloria Arroyo became the President of the Republic of the Philippines; Benigno Aquino jr.is the president of the Republic of the Philippines * Equivocal Term- The term is outwardly or apparently the same but it signifies different concepts or essences. E. g. left (left hand); left ( gone); right (right hand) right (correct) * Analogous term- it expresses partly the same and partly different in meanings ex. Head does not have the same meaning in head of the family and head of a man. III. According to Quality * Positive in form, positive in meaning e. g. life, justice, truth, * Positive in form, negative in meaning e. g. murder, massacre, famine * Negative in form, negative in meaning e. g.immature, incompetent, dishonest * Negative in form, positive in meaning e. g. immortal, unblemished IV. According to Relation * Compatible- those that can co- exist in a subject examples: wise and good; beauty and brain; rich and famous; tall, dark and handsome; * Incompatible- those that cannot co-exist in a subject. They exclude each other. There are four kinds of incompatible Ideas: * Contradictory- those that express a positive and negative concept. Contradictories are mutually exclusive such that the affirmation of one is the denial of the other. Between them, there is no third (middle) possibility. Examples: legal-illegal; patient-impatient; literate-illiterate; valid-invalid * Contrary- those that express extremes belonging to the same class. Between these ideas, there is a third (middle) ground. Examples: rich-poor; hot-cold; kind-cruel; high-low; beautiful-ugly * Privative- two opposed ideas, one of which expresses perfection, and the other its lack which ought to be possessed. Examples: sight-blindness; truth-error; hearing-deafness; good-evil * Correlative- two opposed ideas that bear mutual relation to one another such that one can’t be understood without the other. They imply each other because one depends the other. Examples: cause-effect; whole-part; husband wife; parent-child According to Object 1. ) Real- it expresses something that has existential actuality, whether positive or negative. Examples: clarity, temperance, scandal, unemployment, chair, table 2. ) Logical- it is used as a conceptual device to facilitate learning. Examples: subject, predicate, classification, division, phyla, genera 3. ) Imaginary- it has no correspondence in reality but is merely a concoction of the mind. Examples: Spider man, flying carpet, darna, talking tree According to Comprehension * Concrete- the term is used to express concrete concepts such as those perceivable by the senses or whose referent is tangible. Example: ball, desk, table,brilliant lawyer * Abstract- The term is used to express abstract concepts such as those understood by the mind or whose referent is intangible. The term denotes being, quality, quantity or relationship. It denotes the property of a thing regarded as an entity by itself. Examples: humanity, dullness.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

What Is Student Teaching Really Like

Youve completed all of your core teaching courses, and now it is time to put everything you have learned to the test. You have finally made it to student teaching! Congratulations, you are on your way to shaping todays youth into successful citizens. At first, student teaching may sound a bit scary, not knowing what to expect. But, if you arm yourself with enough knowledge, then this experience can be one of the best in your college career. What Is Student Teaching? Student teaching is a full-time, college-supervised, instructional classroom experience. This internship (field experience) is a culminating course that is required for all students who want to receive a teaching certificate. What Is It Designed to Do? Student teaching is designed to allow pre-service teachers to practice and refine their teaching skills in a regular classroom experience. Student teachers work closely with college supervisors and experienced teachers to learn how to promote student learning. How Long Does Student Teaching Last? Most internships last between eight to twelve weeks. Interns are usually placed at one school for the first four to six weeks, and then at a different grade and school for the last weeks. This way, pre-service teachers get the opportunity to learn and use their skills in a variety of school settings. How Are Schools and Grade Levels Selected? Placements are usually made by the following criteria: Previous practicum placementsYour major requirementsYour personal preferences (they are taken into consideration) Elementary education majors are usually required to teach in a primary grade (1-3) and one from an intermediate grade (4-6). Pre-K and kindergarten may also be an option, depending upon your state. Alone With the Students There will be times that your mentor teacher will trust you to be alone with the students. He/She may leave the classroom to take a phone call, participate in a meeting, or go to the main office. If the cooperating teacher is absent, then the school district will get a substitute. If this happens, then it is usually your job to take over the classroom while the substitute monitors you. Working While Student Teaching Most students find it very difficult to work and student teach. Think of student teaching as your full-time job. You will actually be spending more hours than a typical school day in the classroom, planning, teaching, and consulting with your teacher. By the end of the day, you will be extremely tired. Background Checks Most school districts will do a criminal background check (fingerprinting) by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. There may also be an FBI criminal history record check, depending upon your school district. What Can You Expect During This Experience? You will spend most of your time planning, teaching, and reflecting on how it went. During a typical day, you will follow the school schedule and most likely stay after to meet with the teacher to plan for the next day. Student Teacher Responsibilities Prepare and present daily lesson plans.Following rules and policies of the school.Set an example for students in personal habits, conduct, and how you dress.Get acquainted with the classroom mentor teacher.Maintain a professional relationship with the entire school staff.Be receptive and accepting of constructive criticism from everyone. Getting Started You will be integrated into the classroom slowly. Most cooperating teachers start interns off by allowing them to take over one or two subjects at a time. Once you feel comfortable, then you will be expected to take on all of the subjects. Lesson Plans You will probably be responsible for creating your own lesson plans, but you may ask the cooperating teacher for an example of theirs so you know what is expected. Faculty Meetings and Parent-Teacher Conferences You are required to attend everything your cooperating teacher attends. This includes faculty meetings, in-service meetings, district meetings, and parent-teacher conferences. Some student teachers are asked to conduct parent-teacher conferences.