Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fully researched Legal Interoffice memorandum based on my class Research Paper

Fully researched Legal Interoffice memorandum based on my class hypothetical - Research Paper Example Brief Answer Yes. The fact that the child’s father filed a paternity action in Illinois when paternity had already been established by court order in Florida, thus the Florida court had continuing custody jurisdiction, following the Uniform Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (750 ILCS 36/101 et seq. (West 2004)). In order to obtain any custodial rights, the correct filing would be in Florida for a temporary change of custody or a petition requesting a change of jurisdiction to reflect the parties’ new home state. In addition, due to Ms. Porter’s active duty status in the military, the action falls under the Service Members Civil Relief Act of 1997 and contains several, reversible errors under that law and its adoption by Florida statute 61.13002, et seq.. Statement of Facts Our new client, Melissa Porter, has a five- year old son with former partner, John Straub. Paternity, custody and child support were established in Florida in 2008, where the child and t he parents resided for approximately four years. The Florida courts have not relinquished jurisdiction, nor is there any pending action to do so. All parties relocated to Illinois a year ago. There were no filings, motions or correspondence between courts to change home state jurisdiction. At that time Ms. Porter had custody of her son, David. Ms. Porter joined the U.S. Army Reserves in August 2010. There was a verbal agreement between mother and father that Mr. Straub would provide a home for his son during six weeks of Basic Training, at which time Melissa would resume care and custody of their David. During active duty in the Reserves, Ms. Porter suffered a serious training accident and spent six months recovering. She was recently re-settled in Chicago and attempted to arrange the return of her son to her care. Mr. Straub and his new wife refused and filed a paternity action in Illinois, the conclusion of which he was awarded custody of the son. Our client wants to understand wh at rights she has to the return of her son under applicable State and Federal statutes, as well as any other issues or concerns that arise from her service and subsequent injury. Discussion It is likely that the Illinois Appellate Court will overturn the lower court decision on custody jurisdiction and vacate the custody order because it occurred while Ms. Porter was covered by the Service Members Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. Â §520, et sec) and the Florida courts had continuing custody jurisdiction under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act of 1997 (750 ILCS 36/101 et seq. (West 2004)) (UCCJEA). The original Florida custody order of November 3, 2008 takes precedence over the Illinois custody order obtained in error in 2011. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act presents the States with more transparent principles to use in deciding which States have original jurisdiction with regard to paternity and custody determinations. Article 2, Secti on 202(a) states: Except as otherwise provided in Section 204, a court of this State which has made a child-custody determination consistent with Section 201 or 203 has exclusive, continuing jurisdiction over the determination until: (1) a court of this State determines that neither the child, nor the child and one parent, nor the child and a person acting as a parent have a significant connection with this State and that substantial evidence is no longer available in this State concerning the child's care, protection, training, and personal relationships; or (2) a court of this State or a court of another State determines

Monday, October 28, 2019

1984 Oppression Essay Example for Free

1984 Oppression Essay In the dystopian novel 1984, George Orwell portrays a society where betrayal is not only acceptable, but it is actively encouraged through the use of psychological manipulation, which demonstrates the weakness of the individual to resist oppression. The party has built the society in such a way that when Parson is turned in by his daughter to the Thought Police he reacts with â€Å"sort of a doleful pride† (233). Parson is an example of the unthinking masses of the society; he has been oppressed for so long his ability for individual thought has been greatly diminished. He doesn’t even question if he truly committed treason against Big Brother, he does not take into consideration that his seven year old daughter may be lying. Parsons doesn’t show any anger toward his daughter that betrayed him, his response is the exact opposite he is proud that his daughter is doing what is best for the party. The party’s oppression of the individual begins at birth, through methodical thought conditioning. The party transforms the children of the society into model citizens that are willing to betray their own flesh and blood. See more: Foot Binding In China essay Through the party’s use of psychological manipulation the framework of the society urges its citizens to pursue the enemies of Big Brother. This further cements the Party’s power. The party dehumanizes them so that their inhibitions are only showing loyalty to the party. Through the domination of thought the party ensures that its citizens are completely loyal to Big Brother. The telescreen is a tool for the party; the citizens of Oceania live in constant fear of being monitored by the screens that they end up betraying their thoughts through their body language. â€Å"The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look, a habit of muttering to yourself-anything that carried with the suggestion of abnormality†(79). Oceania’s citizens don’t know when they are being watched, the byproduct of this is the citizens policing themselves, giving the Thought Police the ability to completely control them. The fear produced by the telescreens lead the people expose themselves to the eyes of the party, which ultimately leads them to betray themselves .The party overwhelms the minds capacity by a constant stream of propaganda coming out of the telescreen at all hours of the day allowing the party to completely dominate the minds of the people, taking away the potential of individual thought. Betrayal in the society George Orwell created in 1984 was expected. Through the domination of the individual thought, and their inability to resist that oppression, betrayal of one’s comrades was only natural. Individual thought was so greatly overshadowed by the party’s constant stream of propaganda in the novel that there was no place for it in the minds of the citizens. The psychological manipulation that the party inflicted on its citizens everyday made it impossible for the individual to resist oppression.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Time Machine :: essays research papers

The Time Machine Herbert George Wells was born in 1866 in Bromley, Kent, a few miles from London, the son of a house-maid and gardener. Wells died in 1946, a wealthy and famous author, having seen science fiction become a recognized literary form and having seen the world realize some of science fiction's fondest dreams and worst fears. Wells mother attempted to find him a safe occupation as a draper or chemist. Wells had a quick mind and a good memory that enabled him to pass subjects by examination and win a scholarship to the Normal School of Science, where he stayed for three years and, most importantly, was exposed to biology under the famous Thomas H. Huxley. Wells went into teaching and writing text books and articles for the magazines that were of that time. In 1894 he began to write science-fiction stories. -James Gunn Wells vision of the future, with its troglodytic Morlocks descended from the working class of his day and the pretty but helpless Eloi devolved from the leisure class, may seem antiquated political theory. It emerged out of the concern for social justice that drew Wells to the Fabian Society and inspired much of his later writing, but time has not dimmed the fascination of the situation and the horror of the imagery. The Time Machine brought these concerns into his fiction. It, too, involved the future, but a future imagined with greater realism and in greater detail than earlier stories of the future. It also introduced, for the first time in fiction, the notion of a machine for traveling in time. In this novel the Time Machine by H. G. Wells, starts with the time traveler trying to persuade his guest's the theory of the fourth dimension and even the invention. He tries to explain the fourth dimension before he shows them the time machine so they don't think of him as a magician. H. G. Wells uses details about the fourth dimension to teach the reader the theory about it to capture your attention. Also Wells character the time traveler says "Scientific people", "Know very well that time is only a kind of space". In this quote he is clearly using persuasion tactics. He tries to attack there consious by saying that, scientific people know that this is only a kind of space. He says this in hopes that they will believe what he says just because other

Thursday, October 24, 2019

International Human Resource Managementp20-3, 4, 5

Title: Homework P20-3, 4, 5 for International human resource management Page number: 3 1, Discuss two HR activities in which a multinational firm must engage that would not be required in a domestic environment. (1) More HR activities To operate in an international environment, a human resource department must engage in a number of activities that would not be necessary in a domestic environment: international taxation; international relocation and orientation; administrative services for expatriates; host government relations; and language translation services. 2) Risk exposure The direct costs (salary, training costs and travel and relocation expenses) of failure to the parent firm may be as high as three times the domestic salary plus relocation expenses, depending on currency exchange rates and location assignments. Another aspect of rick exposure that is relevant to IHRM is terrorism. 2, why is a greater degree of involvement in employee’s personal lives inevitable in man y international HRM activities?A greater degree of involvement in employees’ personal lives is necessary for the selection, training and effective management of both PCN and TCN employees. In the international HR department must be much more involved in order to provide the level of support required and will need to know more about the employee’s personal life. The HR department or HR professional needs to ensure that the expatriate employee understands housing arrangements, health care, and all aspects of the compensation package provided for the assignment(cost-of- living allowances, premiums, taxes and so on). , Discuss at least two of the variables that moderate differences between domestic and international HR practices. (1) Attitudes of senior management to international operations. It is likely that if senior management does not have a strong international orientation, the importance of international operations may be underemphasized in terms of corporate goals and objectives. In such situations, managers may tend to focus on domestic issues and minimize differences between international and domestic environments. 2)The cultural environment The cultural environment is an important variable that moderates differences between domestic and international HRM. The new environment requires many adjustments in a relatively short period of time, challenging people’s frames of reference to such an extent that sense of self, especially in terms of nationality, comes into question. People , in effect, experience a shock reaction to new cultural experiences that cause psychological disorientation because they misunderstand or do not recognize important cues.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mental Health Psychology-stress

Stress has been defined as â€Å"the negative feelings that occurs when an individual feel unable to cope with the demands placed upon them by their environment† (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984). Stress is a thing that is experienced by everyone at some stage of their life. College students represent a group which is particularly sensitive to stress. The transition into college life from a school setting can be challenging for some people. The transition involves moving from top dog to the lowest position. (Stantrock, 2004).In addition to the common stressors experienced by the general population, college students encounter an additional range of stressors: being away from home for the first time, holding down jobs, time management, financial obligations towards fees/ boarding etc, and on a social/emotional level maintaining relationships. (Archer and Lamin, 1985). A disturbing trend in college student health is the reported increase in student stress nationwide (Sax (Simple API fo r XML) A programming interface (API) for accessing the contents of an XML document. SAX does not provide a random access lookup to the document's contents.It scans the document sequentially and presents each item to the application only one time. , 1997). This is evident in Hirsch and Keniston (1970) study, which looked at the dropout rate of students in university. They estimated that fifty percent of entering students do not finish college four years later. When stress is perceived negatively or becomes excessive, students experience physical and psychological impairment Impairment 1. A reduction in a company's stated capital. 2. The total capital that is less than the par value of the company's capital stock. Notes: 1. This is usually reduced because of poorly estimated losses or gains.2. (Murphy and Archer, 1996). Stress has a number of sources which can be classified according to the magnitude of the event: cataclysmic events include natural disasters such as floods, life event s such a death produce a change that requires adaptation and daily hassles are everyday events that create repetitive distress. (Brannon and Feist, 2007). Daily stressors are â€Å"the irritating, frustrating, distressing demands that to some degree characterize everyday transactions with the environment† (Archer and Lamin, 1985). Many studies have researched what the primary sources of stress are among college students.A study in a university in the united states found that the five highest stressors among the student population were a change in sleeping habits, a change in breaks, a change in eating habits, new responsibilities and increased work load. (Ross, Neilbling and Hecket, 1999). According to Hirsch and Ellis (1966) the pressure to earn good grades and to earn a degree is a very high source of stress among students. Taylor (2009) states that overloaded people who have more tasks in their lives report higher levels of stress than do those who have fewer tasks, which would apply to college students especially around exam time.Kohn and Frazer proposed that too much coursework and unclear assignments also contributed to stress levels. And sgan-Cohen and Lowental (1988) indicated that time pressures and interaction with faculty members were common stressors. It is clear from these studies that college students are particularly prone to stress. Although relationships have been found to influence stress by acting as a buffer against negative outcomes (Sim, 2000), they also present common sources of stress related to peer pressure, navigating romantic relationships, and navigating relationships with parents (Byrne et al., 2007).In a study of Canadian high school students, two of the three categories of stressors mentioned by students from all types of academic tracks involved stress associated with family and friends (Mates and Allison, 1992). The positive or negative effects of family roles depend on the resources people have available. Both men and woman are affected by family support, but women’s health is more strongly affected by this source of stress. (Brannon and Feist, 2007). A great deal of research to date has focused on the effect stress has on a student’s academic performance.People respond very differently to stress. The impact of any potentially stressful event is substantially influenced by how a person appraises it. (Taylor, 2009). According to Yerkes-Dodson Law (1908) when stress reaches an optimal point performance decreases. This law maintains that people under high or low stress will learn less than those under moderate stress. Although the Yerkes and Dodson law is quite old it had held up through numerous studies. Lazurus (1966) similarly stated that the extent of a students stress is a significant predictor of performance.Moore, Burrows and Danziels (1992) study traced a link between motivation and stress. These researchers believed that moderate amounts of stress motivated people and increase d performance, this was referred to as positive stress. However negative stress (distress) had a discouraging effect on people. This type of stress involved strain, tension and burnout psychically and psychologically. Stress in moderation is a good thing as too low the levels of stress lead to a low quality of functioning, similarly too high the levels of stress also lead to a low quality of functioning.  (Frankenhaeuser, 1986).This belief shows that a middle ground exists where stress reaches a level that far from being a problem; it in fact heightens concentration and allows for optimum performance on tasks. Stress can also have a negative effect physically. Difficulties can arise when there is a sustained and prolonged elevation of stress levels. The body’s energy reserves can become depleted. This places increasing demands on the body, specifically the cardiovascular system and immune system responses. Although stress can affect immune functions, the relations are far f rom simple.As shown in a meta-analysis by Suzanne Segerstrom and Gregory Miller (2004), which combined the statistical results of more than 300 studies, effects depend on the nature of the stressors and the specific immune functions of the body (Passer et el, 2008). The effects can also be influenced by personality, Type A people are characterised by high levels of competitiveness and ambition, which can foster aggressiveness and hostility when things get in their way while type B people are shown to be more serene and patient.Type A people have an increased risk of coronary heart disease compared to type B. However, the type A persons fast paced, time conscious life style and high ambition are not the culprits to vulnerability to coronary disease. Rather, the crucial component seems to be negative emotions, particularly anger. (passer et el, 2008) Acute and chronic stress has also been linked to psychological and emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, irritability, frustra tion, anger, worrying, uncertainty, and lack of confidence.Additional negative consequences of prolonged states of stress include reduced energy, increased muscle tension, and emotional distress (Almeida, 2005; Brown & Harris, 1989). Previous research has found that college may be the most stressful time in an individual's life and are susceptible to these negative consequences (Lumley and Provenzano, 2003). Several studies have reported that depressive symptoms also are frequent among university students worldwide and their prevalence appears to be increasing dramatically. According to Dianne tice and her colleagues distressed people tend to behave more impulsively.They demonstrated that when stressed, people do things oriented toward making them feel better, and some of those things are health threatening such as unhealthy diet, smoking, drinking and drug use. These indulges may make people feel better temporarily, but are poor choices. (Brannon and Feist, 2007) Coping consists of a person's conscious attempt at managing the demands and intensity of events perceived as stressful or improving one's personal resources (e. g. , positive affect, confidence, self-controlself-control n.Control of one's emotions, desires, or actions by one's own will. †¦.. Click the link for more information. ) in attempting to reduce or manage one's perceived stress intensity (Lazarus Lazarus (laz`?r?s) [Gr. ,=Heb. , Eleazar], in the New Testament. 1 Brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany who, after four days in the tomb, was brought back to life by Jesus. , 1999). Students can use a variety of coping strategies in response to daily stressors. Some strategies are directed at changing stressors, while others are directed at managing the emotions triggered by stressors.Specific examples include thinking about something else, participating in religious activities, expressing emotions, being physically active, and behaving aggressively (Atkins, 1991). Several coping techniques hav e been identified in the professional literature and include both healthy and unhealthy strategies such as self-distraction, active coping, denial, substance use, use of emotional support, use of instrumental support, disengagement, venting, positive reframing, planning, humor, acceptance, religion, and self-blame (Kim and Seidlitz, 2002).Two fundamental coping strategies to deal with stress are problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping (Brannon and Feist, 2007). Regarding problem-focused coping, the goal of coping is to remove or reduce stressors through information seeking, planning, direct action, and seeking instrumental help (Kim and Seidlitz, 2002). Regarding emotion-focused coping, the goal of coping involves dealing with emotional responses to stressors such as self-blame, blaming others, focusing on emotions, controlling emotions, venting emotions, fantasy or wishful thinking, seeking emotional support, and avoidance (Felsten, 1998).Avoidance strategies are a type o f emotional-focused coping which includes methods such as distraction, denial, social diversion, behavioral disengagement, and alcohol or drug use (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984). Research has also identified several effective acute stress management techniques used to alleviate stress (Smith, 2007). These relaxation techniques are described as being most effective when stress is most acute or severe.Some of the documented techniques for relieving stress in an acute setting include stretching exercises (Michalsen et al., 2005) and progressive muscle relaxation (Smith, 2007). Often when stressed, individuals take a defensive posture via standing, crouching, or bending over a desk for an extended period of time. To help relieve physical tension, stretching exercises target stressed posture and positioning (Smith, 2007). Progressive muscle relaxation has been found to be an excellent technique to relax skeletal muscles, internal organs, and the mind.Similarly, the procedure for progressive muscle relaxation involves asking patients to tense and relax groups of muscles and to recognize the contrast between those states of the muscle while the â€Å"therapist often speaks in a slower, softer, deeper voice when telling participants to relax† (Scheufele, 2000). To reduce stress, thereby decreasing the likelihood of burnout and attrition, graduate students need help in developing effective strategies to cope with stress especially by enhancing social support networks.Methods to reduce stress by students often include effective time management, social support, positive reappraisal, and engagement in leisure pursuits (Blake and Vandiver, 1988; Mattlin et el, 1990). The concept of time management is generally defined in terms of clusters of behavior that are deemed to facilitate productivity and alleviate Alleviate To make something easier to be endured. Mentioned in: Kinesiology, Applied stress (Lay and Schouwenburg, 1993).Effective time management strategies increas e academic performance (Campbell and Svenson, 1992) and are frequently suggested by academic assistance personnel as aids to enhance achievement for college students. Although programs emphasize starting large tasks well before due dates, breaking down large tasks into small ones, and doing small tasks on a regular schedule, students regularly ignore these techniques and find themselves in great distress before exams (Brown, 1991).An online study by Woodberry (2010) showed by use of a self-administered online survey in 3rd level student that 61% of respondents replied that â€Å"sport helped relieve stress†. A study using an Irish sample was carried out in Galway in 2003 under the commission of the western health board. Shaughnessy (2003) found using a sample size of 10 schools that participation in extracurricular activities can â€Å"reduce anxiety and stress†. Another study that looked at stress in relation to students was the Wilson & Pritchard study from 2005.This research was conducted on students to discover the sources of stress in everyday life for them. The recommendations of this study showed that sport could act as a â€Å"buffer to stress†. However this study of Wilson and Pritchard’s also conceded that sport â€Å"may be an added stressor† in certain settings, as did a study by Johnson (2009) which also pointed out sport can â€Å"actually become sources of stress†. People feel better when they eat a healthy diet, engage in physical exercise, have positive interactions with friends and get enough sleep. (Brannon and Feist, 2007).A well planned canteen menu that provides and encourages healthy eating can help get students on board with eating better, this along with information on sleeping habits and importance of physical activity can ensure students have the knowledge necessary to develop a healthy lifestyle which in turn may prevent stress. A program called Combat Stress Now is a stress management progr am that reaches troubled students before stresses of academic life lead them to fail or drop out. Participants in the program learn what stress is and its effects. They also learn how to monitor stress and recognise to do thingsin moderation. They also learn new skills, how to set goals, how to complete out of hours assignments, time management and planning. Loneliness can also cause some students distress which can be helped by learning to recognise the importance that social support can serve in helping them combat stress in a world with many sources of stress. (Taylor, 2009). Learning to cope effectively with stress may help prevent illness and changing unsuccessful coping strategies appears to be a practical intervention that can be facilitated by various people.Students are most likely to be more successful using techniques they are comfortable with and have had prior experience using, it is important to encourage students to identify effective strategies that they already use, rather than teach them new ones. (Brannon and Feist, 2007) Surviving college involves knowing what the stresses are, understanding that it is normal to feel them and wise to get help immediately for anything that is causing distress. Research is clear that college survival is about knowing when, how and where to get help. All these interventions together can help our students through their journey with this university.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tips on Measuring Distance on a Map

Tips on Measuring Distance on a Map A map represents a portion of  Earths surface. Because an accurate map represents a real area, each map has a scale that indicates the relationship between a certain distance on the map and the distance on the ground. The map scale is usually located in the legend box of a map, which explains the symbols and provides other important information about the map. A map scale can be printed in a variety of ways. Words Numbers Map Scale A ratio or representative fraction (RF) indicates how many units on Earths surface are equal to one unit on the map. It can be expressed as 1/100,000 or 1:100,000. In this example,  1 centimeter on the map could equal 100,000 centimeters (1 kilometer) on Earth. It could also mean that 1  inch on the map is equal to 100,000 inches on the real location (8,333 feet, 4 inches, or about 1.6 miles). Other common RFs include 1:63,360 (1 inch to 1 mile) and 1:1,000,000 (1 cm to 10 km). A word statement gives a written description of map distance, such as 1  centimeter equals 1 kilometer or 1 centimeter equals 10 kilometers. Obviously, the first map would show much more detail than the second, because 1 centimeter on the first map covers a much smaller area than on the second map. To find a real-life distance, measure the distance between two points on the map, whether inches or centimeters- whichever scale is listed- and then do the math. If 1 inch on the map equals 1 mile and the points youre measuring are 6 inches apart, theyre 6 miles apart in reality. Caution The first two methods of indicating map distance would be ineffective if the map is reproduced by a method such as photocopying with  the size of the map modified (zoomed in or reduced). If this occurs and one attempts to measure 1 inch on the modified map, its not the same as 1 inch on the original map. Graphic Scale A graphic scale  solves  the shrink/zoom  problem because it is simply a line marked with the distance on the ground that the map reader can use along with a ruler to determine scale on the map. In the United States, a graphic scale often includes both metric and U.S. common units. As long as the size of the graphic scale is changed along with the map, it will be accurate. To find a distance using a graphic  legend, measure the legend with a ruler to find its ratio; maybe 1 inch equals 50 miles, for instance. Then measure the distance between the points on the map and use that measurement to determine the real distance between those two places.  Ã‚   Large or Small Scale Maps are often known as large scale or small scale. A large-scale map refers to one that shows greater detail because the representative fraction (e.g., 1/25,000) is a larger fraction than a small-scale map, which would have an RF of 1/250,000 to 1/7,500,000. Large-scale maps will have an RF of 1:50,000 or greater (i.e., 1:10,000). Those between 1:50,000 to 1:250,000 are maps with an intermediate scale. Maps of the world that fit on two 8 1/2-by-11-inch pages are very small scale, about 1 to 100 million.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Wedding Toast Quotes for the Father of the Groom

Wedding Toast Quotes for the Father of the Groom At a wedding reception or grooms dinner, the couples parents may be tasked with coming up with toasts. Here are a few quotes for the father of the groom to weave into his speech of well wishes, advice, and touching memories to share with the crowd and the newlyweds. Helen Rowland Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense. J. Krishnamurti The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed. Mother Teresa ï » ¿It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving. Tom Mullen Marriage- as its veterans know well- is the continuous process of getting used to things you hadnt expected. Andre Maurois A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day. Ogden Nash To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the loving cup, whenever youre wrong, admit it; whenever youre right, shut up. Victoria Secunda, Women and Their  Fathers, 1992 Sons are for fathers the twice-told tale. Jane Austen I pay very little regard to what a young person says on the subject of marriage. If they profess a disinclination for it, I only set it down that they havent seen the right person yet. Zsa Zsa Gabor A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then hes finished. Joey Adams A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions; your wife asks for nothing. Joseph Leunig Love one another and you will be happy. Its as simple and as difficult as that. Mignon McLaughlin A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Henry David Thoreau There is no remedy for love but to love more. Nanette Newman A good marriage is at least 80 percent good luck in finding the right person at the right time. The rest is trust. Sir Harold Nicolson The great secret of a successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents and none of the incidents as disasters. Paul Tillich The first duty of love is to listen. Alfred A. Montapert The man or woman you really love will never grow old to you. Through the wrinkles of time, through the bowed frame of years, you will always see the dear face and feel the warm heart union of your eternal love. Winston Churchill A family starts with a young man falling in love with a girl. No superior alternative has been found. Alfred A. Montapert The secret of health, happiness, and long life: If you simply learn how to accept and express love, you will live longer†¦be happier†¦grow healthier. For love is a powerful force. Antoine de Saint-Exupà ©ry Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. Greek Proverb A heart that loves is always young. Hawkeye Pierce in M*A*S*H Without love, what are we worth? Eighty-nine cents! Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around lonely.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Young Learners English Fingerplay Songs

Young Learner's English Fingerplay Songs Fingerplays - Learning Through MovementHere are a number of English fingerplay songs which combine movements of the hands and fingers with key vocabulary. The act of singing and acting out on the fingers children make both a kinetic and musical connection to the new words, also known as a  multiple intelligences approach  to learning.  Fingerplays are usually chanted, although some songs also have movements which are in parentheses after each spoken line. Three Little Monkeys Three Little Monkeys can have as many verses as you like to  practice the numbers. Here are the last two verses as examples. Verse 1 Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,  (tap three fingers on palm) One fell off and bumped is head.  (one finger falls off, then hold head) Mama called the doctor and the doctor said:  (hold imaginary telephone to your ear) No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.  (shake finger) Verse 2 Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,  (tap three fingers on palm) One fell off and bumped is head.  (one finger falls off, then hold head) Mama called the doctor and the doctor said:  (hold imaginary telephone to your ear) No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.  (shake finger) Little Bunny Foo-Foo Verse 1 Little bunny Foo-Foo hopping through the forest  (raise your hand up and down as if hopping along through the forest) Scooping up the chipmunks and bopping them on the head.  (pound fist into palm) Down came the good fairy and she said:  (drop shaking hand from above to below) Little bunny Foo-Foo, I dont want to see you  (shake finger) Scooping up the chipmunks and bopping them on the head  (raise your hand up and down as if hopping along through the forest) Ill give you three chances,  (raise three fingers) And if youre not good, Ill turn you into a goon.  (raise both hands up into the sky and shake them as if frightened) Verse 2 So, the very next day...(repeat except the fairy Godmother says two chances) Verse 3 So, the very next day...(repeat except the fairy Godmother says one chance) Final Moral The moral of this story is: Hare today, Goon Tomorrow!(play on words of the common saying: Here today, gone tomorrow) Clap Your Hands 1 Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.  (clap your hands slowly) Clap, clap, clap your hands as quickly as you can.  (clap your hands quickly) 2 Shake, shake, shake your hands as slowly as you can.  (shake your hands slowly) Shake, shake, shake your hands as quickly as you can.  (shake your hands quickly) 3 Rub, rub, rub your hands as slowly as you can.  (rub your hands slowly) Rub, rub, rub your hands as quickly as you can.  (rub your hands quickly) 4 Roll, roll, roll your hands as slowly as you can.  (roll your hands slowly) Roll, roll, roll your hands as quickly as you can.  (roll your hands quickly) Tips for Teaching Fingerplay Songs Write key vocabulary for each song on the board. Practice each movement, and check for understanding.Model the song a few times yourself. Dont be shy!Have students contribute other movements to Clap Your HandsHave different students lead the class in the songs once theyve learned the songs by heart.Ask students to create their own songs.Use  grammar chants  to help students learn simple grammar structures.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Administration of justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Administration of justice - Essay Example This scenario deals with a case of arrest under securities fraud, of Michael Pickens, son of the multi-billionaire oil investor T. Boone Pickens, arguably one of the richest persons in the United States of America Michael pleaded guilty and was arrested and charged with securities fraud, having masterminded a major scam to induce investors, through trickery and deception, to buy shares in stocks, such that when their markets turned bullish, the perpetrators of this fraud could sell the stocks for lucrative profits. As a matter of fact, the parties involved in this bogus e-mail fraud had netted $400,000 as profits. However, coming back to Michael Pickens, he has a long history of substance abuse and drug addiction, and has already spent more nearly one and half years, at drug treatment and rehabilitation. The critical question that now arises is what kind of penal, deterrent and/or rehab sentence should be served by the criminal justice delivery system, in the case of Michael Pickens and why should such recourse be chosen. Besides, the goals and objectives of the sentence would also need to be discussed in terms of its potential effectiveness and ability to reform this trickster through integration into mainstream society. 1. Rehabilitation Perspective: According to this view the justice system is a large institution that provides correctional faculties to criminals and law breakers. From this perspective, criminals are not merely seen as scheming, manipulative individuals who mastermind their crimes out of greed, or vendetta. Instead, they are viewed as victims of their circumstances or as being deceived by the society. Thus, in this context, rather than highlighting their crimes and its various ramifications and implications, rehabilitation specialists focus on criminals as individuals, their needs and aspirations, as well as factors that what prompted them to commit the crimes. Thus, they give consideration to what could be possibly done to help rehabilitate such individuals back into the mainstream society. â€Å"Rather than focus on the victim, as the crime control people do, rehabilitation people focus on the criminal: their needs, how can they be helped, and what treatment suits their individual behavior problems† (Worrall, n.d). Perhaps the rehabilitation treatment model, far from being punitive or disciplinary, seeks to enforce effective measures into the justice delivery system, which could aid in diagnosing, treating, monitoring and following up of cases so as to achieve remedial or curative measures for the ‘patient’. The policies of correcting and rehabilitating substance abusers underpin the activities of The California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility (CSATF). This facility, with its treatment capacity of 1,428, is presently the largest-in-prison TC in the state besides being one of the biggest in any US prison. 2. Crime control Perspective: To a large extent, the crime control perspective is an anti th esis of the rehabilitative viewpoint, in that it advocates stronger, stricter and more stringent laws and measures against criminals and lawbreakers, actual and potential. This theory adopts a viewpoint that by strengthening and reinforcing policing techniques, like putting more law enforcement personnel on the job, crime rates could be effectively reduced and also better controls and monitoring could be achieved. Besides, better policing infrastructure could help reduce the incidence and regularity of crimes, especially in heavy crime zones. Coming to the current policies, it is seen that more than 30 States in this country have implemented laws, which require a compulsory sentence of a specific period for particular kinds of crimes. Most are directed at drug offenders or those people charged with violent crimes and forbid them from being

Case Study in Exerise Psychology ( Msc ) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case Study in Exerise Psychology ( Msc ) - Essay Example One such example can be identified in the case of Client A, a 29-year old male junior project manager in a multinational software developing company for almost two years. As he needs to work for five days from Monday to Friday and for 12 hours each day, it becomes quite difficult for him to continue with adequate physical exercise on a regular basis. Moreover, Client A is required to travel away for work frequently which again provides perceived barrier to the performance of regular exercises. Client A used to perform physical exercise regularly before joining the organization. Recently, he noticed an increase in body weight and reduction in the energy and enthusiasm in work. He was also becoming more stressed at the workplace because he was no longer able to devote sufficient time to his health which in turn started hampering his performance. The organisation encourages continuous professional development of their employees including constant monitoring and counselling by the prospe ctive senior officials. In one of the counselling sessions, the senior project manager found that the client was experiencing high levels of stress as a result of not being able to make sufficient time for personal development including regular physical exercise. Thus, he advised Client A to consult a sport psychologist who would efficiently guide him in maintaining his body fitness without compromising with his job responsibilities. Key Challenges Observed in the Case It is well-identifiable from the aforementioned case that the absence of physical exercise was creating a mental pressure on Client A signifying the effect of exercise on the mental health of a person. It was stronger in the current case as a result of Client A’s previous involvement in regular practitioner of physical exercise and has already been aware of its positive affects. This in turn influences his self-determination (the will to achieve a desired goal), self-confidence (the belief to achieve a desired performance) and physical anxiety (nervousness felt by an individual regarding his/her physical ability) to a certain extent (Weinberg & Gould, 2010). Due to the decrease in these factors, he tends to display emotional outburst in the workplace and possess an increased stress level. When first employed by the organisation, he was recognised as a consistent performer which is now noticeably reducing due to his increased stress levels and the resultant behaviour. Therefore, the key challenges for the sports psychologist are to determine ways in which Client A can participate in regular physical activity without compromising with his job responsibilities. These interventions should be based within the cognitive and humanistic approaches. In this regard, analyzing the various aspects regarding Client A’s psychological influence can also be termed a key challenge. Findings of the Case According to the self-determination theory, external environmental factors have a strong influenc e on the mental health of a person which determines their readiness for physical exercise (Ryan & Deci, 2007). The readiness can be further defined as autonomy, competence and relatedness (Ryan & Deci, 2007). It is worth mentioning that the various facets of self-determination theory are intrinsically related to the (Ryan & Deci, 2007). In order to implement the theory in the real practise to identify the various psychological and cognitive factors influencing Client A’s readiness to physical exercise, the psychologist implemented repetitive

Friday, October 18, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 29

Summary - Essay Example But the company’s strength lies in its belief that the virtual market has limitless scope and needs to be exploited in innovative ways, using latest technology that is popular amongst the masses. Thus, the company has been increasing its merchandise through acquisitions and partnerships while looking at more creative ways to sell goods. Today, iPhone has become the main platform of ecommerce activities for Sears and its group. The company has introduced unique market strategy of providing the iPhone users to look for the goods which they can buy and collect it from a nearby located driveway store. The customer can even send the photo of the goods that he/she wants to buy and the company traces the product and makes it available to the customers. Use of technology has significantly improved its market position and sales performance in the recent times. The company has also forged alliances with other companies and sells their goods at good commission. The innovative strategy has paid off with 22% and 42% growth in the visitors of Sears and K-Mart in 2009! Indeed, the company has successfully exploited technology to gain competitive

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development - Essay Example Businesses are facing an increasing pressure to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in its agenda of growth. Companies have realized that practicing unacceptable processes carry not only legal risks but also the risk of businesses not performing well. Though business leaders realize that CSR is an integral part of a business performance, often the justifications of incorporating it into the business process are unclear. The most justification given in support of CSR highlights the ‘trade-off’ between business and society rather than the ‘interdependence’ of the two. It is seen that businesses view CSR as means to secure the goodwill and reputation of the business, with all the stakeholders, a moral obligation to support ethical values and meeting the needs of sustainable development. What is missed out in this is the reality; the fulfillment of the social objectives of a business actually enhances the economic objectives of the business in the long-r un. That this is possible has been proved by many companies. PepsiCo India has employed various processes to optimise water usage and minimise water wastage. Across its manufacturing plants in India, PepsiCo has installed water recovery equipment and has bettered the water management through recycling and reuse in cooling towers, flushes and gardens. The company has also made it a standard practice to harvest rainwater either by collecting rainwater in ponds that have been excavated for this purpose or by roof-water harvesting.   PepsiCo plants in Bharuch, Bazpur, Palakkad, Jainpur, Panipat, Channo, Pune, Mahul and other places, in India, follow this as a standard practice. PepsiCo has also ventured into community water projects and watershed management programmes. The company has saved an approximate two billion litres of water in two years, from the start of this initiative, build its image as a socially responsible business house and to top it all has done very well with its bo ttled water and non-carbonated beverages. Another case in point is that of Nestl, which entered the poverty ridden Moga region in India. Poor soil, small tracts of land, droughts, animals suffering from disease and non-existent market, all sorts of challenges were existent here, till Nestl entered Moga in 1962. The company started with establishing milk purchasing organizations in the area and by creating infrastructure in the form of dairies with refrigeration, veterinarians, nutritionists and agronomists to advice farmers and medicine and supplements for the animals. Water supply facilities were also arranged

Thursday, October 17, 2019 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - Essay Example One example Webb uses to illustrate this point regards recent news stories about sexual predators and cyber bullies whose goal is to target innocent victims. Webb suggests that users who post sexually suggestive photos and outrageous comments are attracting attention to themselves, thereby making it easier for the criminal faction to find their prey. He concludes that it is MySpace itself which is responsible for the problems outlined in the article. It is my opinion, however, that while users who ignore online safety tips when posting information on MySpace could be putting themselves in danger, this is not the fault of the social networking site itself. Actually, use of the MySpace site can be advantageous as far as encouraging communication, but users must take proper precautions in keeping certain personal information private in order that sexual predators and other criminals are not given easy means to find their victims. While many worry about Myspace as a venue for criminals, its proper usage will ensure it is not inherently dangerous. As UC Berkeley researcher Danah Boyd asserts, "It's a hyped up fear" (from Poulsen, 2). Regardless of age, Myspace users who exhibit some caution in what information they are posting online will prevent predators from easily finding them. The responsibility for exercising caution rests with the users themselves, and not Myspace. Kevin Poulsen, in his article, "Scenes From the Myspace Backlash", announces this startling statistic, "Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal underage girls in one region of the state were fondled or had consensual sex with adult men they'd met through the site, and who had lied about their age. MySpace is a 'parent's worst nightmare'." Apparently the impetus for these crimes could be traced back to communication between online predators and the teenagers via Myspace. But is it proper to blame the website, or shoul d the blame actually lie with the users themselves Oftentimes, teenagers post personal information on their profiles, allowing the public at large access to such data as their home address, phone number, and place of employment (Wilkins). Personally, I have maintained a Myspace page for years and I would never consider it dangerous; however, this is due to the fact that I don't post personal information. My own motivation for becoming part of this online community was due more to the fact that I could find new friends and others who shared my interests. Certainly, I do not wish anyone to know my home address and show up unexpectedly at my home. MySpace has exhibited due diligence in advising users not to post real information regarding personal addresses and places of employment, etc. so that online predators are able to track them down. My profile is in accordance with the suggestions of the site and therefore I have never had concern regarding my own safety. Ultimately, it the fau lt of the teenagers themselves for using the site irresponsibly and posting information in direct contrast to the advice of Myspace managers. MySpace may be the biggest, most popular social networking site but it is not the only one. There are a whole host of other websites which market themselves as social networking

Alternative Energy Sources Solar Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Alternative Energy Sources Solar Energy - Essay Example Research indicates that solar energy has the capacity to satisfy all the energy requirements of all the people in this world. In fact, it can do the same in just one year, if all the sunlight falling on all parts of the world is harvested. Usage and concept of solar energy is no new concept and it exists in its simplest and passive form since ancient Greeks. However, for the past three to four decades there has been a lot of research in this field. Production of solar vehicles, automobiles, boats, aircrafts and others have made important news. Quite understandably, solar energy provides quite a lot of advantages over the traditional sources of energy generation. Firstly, this method is extremely cost effective since all the consumers need to pay is the fixed cost of buying and installing the machine on their roofs and the rest is free. Secondly, they reduce the risk of the hazards and environmental concerns developed by the use of oil as fuel. Thirdly, solar energy is pretty much useable even in most remote areas moreover the culture of the United states suits it since most of the homes have their own roof tops for installation of these machines. The United States has been doing a lot for promotion of solar energy. Currently, the United States is getting less than 1000 MW of electricity from solar energy but it aims at increasing it more than six times by the end of 2014 (Richards, 32-46). Moreover, currently the governments is providing with many incentives like tax exemptions, soft cheap easy loan facility, leasing, installments, rebates, bonds and others to encourage people to shift to using solar energy. Consider the following scenarios. Experts all around the world agree to the fact that the United States of America did not launch the war in Iraq for the search of Weapons for Mass Destruction nor it was

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - Essay Example One example Webb uses to illustrate this point regards recent news stories about sexual predators and cyber bullies whose goal is to target innocent victims. Webb suggests that users who post sexually suggestive photos and outrageous comments are attracting attention to themselves, thereby making it easier for the criminal faction to find their prey. He concludes that it is MySpace itself which is responsible for the problems outlined in the article. It is my opinion, however, that while users who ignore online safety tips when posting information on MySpace could be putting themselves in danger, this is not the fault of the social networking site itself. Actually, use of the MySpace site can be advantageous as far as encouraging communication, but users must take proper precautions in keeping certain personal information private in order that sexual predators and other criminals are not given easy means to find their victims. While many worry about Myspace as a venue for criminals, its proper usage will ensure it is not inherently dangerous. As UC Berkeley researcher Danah Boyd asserts, "It's a hyped up fear" (from Poulsen, 2). Regardless of age, Myspace users who exhibit some caution in what information they are posting online will prevent predators from easily finding them. The responsibility for exercising caution rests with the users themselves, and not Myspace. Kevin Poulsen, in his article, "Scenes From the Myspace Backlash", announces this startling statistic, "Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal underage girls in one region of the state were fondled or had consensual sex with adult men they'd met through the site, and who had lied about their age. MySpace is a 'parent's worst nightmare'." Apparently the impetus for these crimes could be traced back to communication between online predators and the teenagers via Myspace. But is it proper to blame the website, or shoul d the blame actually lie with the users themselves Oftentimes, teenagers post personal information on their profiles, allowing the public at large access to such data as their home address, phone number, and place of employment (Wilkins). Personally, I have maintained a Myspace page for years and I would never consider it dangerous; however, this is due to the fact that I don't post personal information. My own motivation for becoming part of this online community was due more to the fact that I could find new friends and others who shared my interests. Certainly, I do not wish anyone to know my home address and show up unexpectedly at my home. MySpace has exhibited due diligence in advising users not to post real information regarding personal addresses and places of employment, etc. so that online predators are able to track them down. My profile is in accordance with the suggestions of the site and therefore I have never had concern regarding my own safety. Ultimately, it the fau lt of the teenagers themselves for using the site irresponsibly and posting information in direct contrast to the advice of Myspace managers. MySpace may be the biggest, most popular social networking site but it is not the only one. There are a whole host of other websites which market themselves as social networking

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Coscto Wholesale Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Coscto Wholesale Corporation - Case Study Example Consumers want new products, which often result from sizable expenditures on research and development that can be undertaken only by large enterprise. In reality, it seems that a market of partial monopolies has provided the greatest measure of abundance (Global Marketing Principles 2008). Competition occurs not only in markets of many small firms but also in markets of relatively few large ones. However, in markets with few large firms, competitive action can be countered, and price competition may not serve as an effective method of competition. Therefore, products and services also become competitive weapons, and nonprice competition assumes importance. This fact has not yet been sufficiently recognized and integrated into theoretical models (Costco Home Page 2008). Costco spends no on advertising following "the no-frills concept". Costco has no public relations and advertising department trying to prove that the main principle of business is to sell products "as inexpensively as possible" (DiCarlo 2004). Costco does not rely on advertising proposing customers unique services and wide assortment, low prices and customer support. Technological improvements facilitate the type of centralized management that characterizes these organizations. The economies of scale that result from increasing store count and the ability to divide tasks between store operations and central merchandising put them in very powerful positions vis--vis both their customers and their suppliers. Costco was founded in 1976 as Cash-and Carry Company. The owner of Costco, sol Price, opened the Price Club store in San Diego as a discount store. INTRODUCTION The sales model of Costco is to sell products at low prices but at high volumes. During the 1980s, economic turmoil opened the door to retailing innovators who cut the cost out of distribution and drove conventional department stores or discounters to their knees or to bankruptcy court. Of the top twenty discount department stores in 1980, fewer than half remain in operation today, while the doomed still stick to business as usual. The seeds of "creative destruction" were sown in the 1980s but will be harvested in the 1990s. As many as 20 percent of the regional shopping centers currently operating in the United States will close by the year 2000 (Costco Home Page 2008; Bearden et al p. 54). In order to remain competititve, Costco changed its strategy and introduce Costco membership. Goldstar and Business Memberships costs about $50 a year and the Executive membership is about $100 a year. Only Costco members can purchase main products except drugs, drinks and gasoline similar to other retailers of this type, Costco continues to rattle around within overstored retail square footage that outstripped both population growth and consumer spending over the past decade (Costco Home Page 2008). The coming shakeout in retailing has been preordained by a copycat, follow-the-leader mentality, a quiet conspiracy toward "sameness" in retailing--in layout, location, presentation, products, and service. Diversity in products, in consumers, in employees, and in the environment will demand diversity and dexterity among retailers. "Costco sells very large volumes of merchandise and achieving high inventory turnover In addition to

Monday, October 14, 2019

Java-Whitepaper Essay Example for Free

Java-Whitepaper Essay This white paper compares C++/Qt with Java/AWT/Swing for developing large-scale, real-world software with graphical user interfaces. References are made to independent reports that examine various aspects of the two toolsets. 1 A Comparison of Qt and Java 1. What Do We Compare? When selecting an environment for a large software development project, there are many aspects that must be considered. The programming language is one of the most significant aspects, since its choice has considerable impact on what other options are available. For example, in a GUI development project, developers will need a GUI library that provides ready-made user interface components, for example, buttons and menus. Since the selection of the GUI library itself has a large impact on the development of a project, it is not uncommon for the GUI library to be chosen first, with the programming language being determined by the languages for which the library is available. Usually, there is only one language per library. Other software components like database access libraries or communication libraries must also be taken into consideration, but they rarely have such a strong impact on the overall design as the GUI libraries. In this white paper, the objective is to compare the C++/Qt environment with the Java/AWT/Swing environment. In order to do this in the most useful way, we will begin by comparing the programming languages involved, i. e. C++ and Java, and then compare the two GUI libraries, Qt for C++ and AWT/Swing for Java. 2. Comparing C++ and Java When discussing the various benefits and drawbacks of particular programming languages, the debate often degenerates into arguments that are based on personal experience and preference rather than any objective criteria. Personal preferences and experience should be taken into account when selecting a programming language for a project, but because it is subjective, it cannot be considered here. Instead we will look at issues such as programmer-efficiency, runtime-efficiency and memory-efficiency since these can be quantified and have been examined in scientifically conducted research, although we will also incorporate information based on the practical exerience of projects that have been implemented in our own company. 2. 1. Programmer-efficiency Programmer-efficiency describes how efficiently (i. e. how quickly and accurately) a programmer with a given degree of experience and knowledge can implement a certain set of requirements in a particular programming language, including debugging and project setup time. Since developer salaries are one of the primary cost factors for any programming project, programmer-efficiency greatly affects the 2 A Comparison of Qt and Java cost-efficiency of the project. To some extent, programmer-efficiency is also determined by the tools available. The main design goal of Java is increased programmer-efficiency compared to other general-purpose programming languages, rather than increased memory- or runtime-efficiency. Java has several features designed to make it more programmer-efficient. For example, unlike C++ (or C), the programmer does not have to explicitly free (give back) allocated memory resources to the operating system. Freeing unused memory (garbage collection) is handled automatically by the Java runtime system, at the expense of memory- and runtime-efficiency (see below). This liberates the programmer from the burden of keeping track of allocated memory, a tedious task that is a major cause of bugs. This feature alone should significantly increase the programmer-efficiency of Java programmers, compared to C++ (or C) programmers. Research shows that in practice, garbage collection and other Java features, do not have a major influence on the programmer-efficiency. One of the classic software estimation models, Barry Boehm’s CoCoMo1 predicts the cost and schedule of a software project using cost drivers which take into account variables like the general experience of a programmers, the experience with the programming language in question, the targeted reliability of the program, etc. Boehm writes that the amount of effort per source statement was highly independent of the language level. Other research, for example, A method of programming measurement and estimation by C. E. Walston and C. P. Felix of IBM2, points in the same direction. Both the reports cited here pre-date the advent of Java by many years, although they seem to reveal a general principle that the sophistication of a general-purpose programming language has, compared with other aspects, like the experience of the developers, no significant influence on the overall project costs. There is more recent research that explicitly includes Java and which supports this hypothesis. In An empirical comparison of C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx, and Tcl3, Lutz Prechelt of the University of Karlsruhe, describes an experiment he conducted in which computer science students were assigned a particular design and development task and asked to implement the specification provided in any of the languages C, C++, or Java which they could freely choose according to their personal preferences (the other languages were examined in a different part of the research project). The data gathered shows almost the same results for C++ and Java (with C running third in most aspects). This is also backed up by our own experience: if programmers can choose their favorite programming language (which is usually the one they have most experience of), programmers with the same level of experience (measured for example, in years of programming experience in general) achieve about the same programmer-efficiency. Another interesting aspect that we noted (but which is not yet supported by any formal 3 A Comparison of Qt and Java research) is that less experienced developers seem to achieve somewhat better results with Java, medium-experienced developers achieve about the same results with both programming languages, nd experienced developers achieve better results with C++. These findings could be due to better tools being available for C++; nevertheless this is an aspect that must be taken into account. An interesting way to quantify programmer-efficiency is the Function Point method developed by Capers Jones. Function points are a software metric that only depend on the functionality, not on the implementation. Working from the function points, it is possible to compute the lines of code needed per function point as well as the language level which describes how many function points can be implemented in a certain amount of time. Intriguingly, both the values for the lines of code per function point and the language level are identical for C++ and Java (6 for the language level, compared with C’s 3. 5 and Tcl’s 5, and 53 for the lines of code per function point, compared with C’s 91 and Tcl’s 64). In conclusion: both research and practice contradict the claim that Java programmers achieve a higher programmer-efficiency than C++ programmers. 2. 2. Runtime-efficiency We have seen that Java’s programmer-efficiency appears to be illusory. We will now examine its runtime efficiency. Again, Prechelt provides useful data. The amount of data he provides is huge, but he arrives at the conclusion that a Java program must be expected to run at least 1. 22 times as long as a C/C++ program. Note that he says at least; the average runtime of Java programs is even longer. Our own experience shows that Java programs tend to run about 2-3 times as long than their equivalent C/C++ programs for the same task. Not surprisingly, Java loses even more ground when the tasks are CPU-bound. When it comes to programs with a graphical user interface, the increased latency of Java programs is worse than the runtime performance hit. Usability studies show that users do not care about whether a long running task takes, say, two or three minutes, but they do care when a program does not show an immediate reaction to their interaction, for example when they press a button. These studies show that the limit of what a user accepts before they consider a program to be unresponsive can be as little as 0. 7 seconds. Well return to this issue when we compare graphical user interfaces in Java and C++ programs. An explanation about why Java programs are slower than C++ is in order. C++ programs are compiled by the C++ compiler into a binary format that can be executed directly by the CPU; the whole program execution thus takes place in 4 A Comparison of Qt and Java hardware. (This is an oversimplification since most modern CPUs execute microcode, but this does not affect the issues discussed here. ) On the other hand, the Java compiler compiles the source code into bytecode which is not executed directly by the CPU, but rather by another piece of software, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM in turn, runs on the CPU. The execution of the bytecode of a Java program does not take place in (fast) hardware, but instead in (much slower) software emulation. Work has been undertaken to develop Just in Time (JIT) compilers to address Java’s runtime efficiency problem, but no universal solution has yet emerged. It is the semi-interpreted nature of Java programs that makes the compile once, run anywhere approach of Java possible in the first place. Once a Java program is compiled into bytecode, it can be executed on any platform which has a JVM. In practice, this is not always the case, because of implementation differences in different JVMs, and because of the necessity to sometimes use native, non-Java code, usually written in C or C++, together with Java programs. But is the use of platform-independent bytecode the right approach for crossplatform applications? With a good cross-platform toolkit like Qt and good compilers on the various platforms, programmers can achieve almost the same by compiling their source code once for each platform: write once, compile everywhere. It can be argued that for this to work, developers need access to all the platforms they want to support, while with Java, in theory at least, developers only need access to one platform running the Java development tools and a JVM. In practice, no responsible software manufacturer will ever certify their software for a platform the software hasnt been tested on, so they would still need access to all the relevant platforms. The question arises why it should be necessary to run the Java Virtual Machine in software; if a program can be implemented in software, it should also be possible to have hardware implement the same unctionality. This is what the Java designers had in mind when they developed the language; they assumed that the performance penalty would disappear as soon as Java CPUs that implement the JVM in hardware would become available. But after five years, such Java CPUs have not become generally available. Java automatically de-allocates (frees) unused memory. The programmer allocates memory, and the JVM keeps track of all the allocated memory blocks and the references to them. As soon as a memory block is no longer referenced, it can be reclaimed. This is done in a process called garbage collection in which the JVM periodically checks all the allocated memory blocks, and removes any which are no longer referred to. Garbage collection is very convenient, but the trade offs are greater memory consumption and slower runtime speed.. With C++, the programmer can (and should) delete blocks of memory as soon as they are no longer required. With Java, blocks are not deleted until the next garbage collection run, and this depends on the implementation on the JVM being used. Prechtelt provides figures which state that on average ( ) and with a confidence of 80%, the Java programs consume at least 32 MB (or 297%) more memory than the C/C++ programs ( ). In addition to the higher memory requirements, the garbage collection process itself requires processing power which is consequently not available to the actual application functionality, leading to slower overall runtimes. Since the garbage collector runs periodically, it can occasionally lead to Java programs freezing for a few seconds. The best JVM implementations keep the occurrence of such freezes to a minimum, but the freezes have not been eliminated entirely. When dealing with external programs and devices, for example, during I/O or when interacting with a database, it is usually desirable to close the file or database connection as soon as it is no longer required. Using C++’s destructors, this happens as soon as the programmer calls delete. In Java, closing may not occur until the next garbage collecting sweep, which at best may tie up resources unnecessarily, and at worst risks the open resources ending up in an inconsistent state. The fact that Java programs keep memory blocks around longer than is strictly necessary is especially problematic for embedded devices where memory is often at a premium. It is no coincidence that there is (at the time of writing) no complete implementation of the Java platform for embedded devices, only partial implementations that implement a subset. The main reason why garbage collection is more expensive than explicit memory management by the programmer is that with the Java scheme, information is lost. In a C++ program, the programmer knows both where their memory blocks are (by storing pointers to them) and knows when they are not needed any longer. In a Java 6 A Comparison of Qt and Java program, the latter information is not available to the JVM (even though it is known to the programmer), and thus the JVM has to manually find unreferenced blocks. A Java programmer can make use of their knowledge of when a memory block is not needed any longer by deleting all references that are still around and triggering garbage collection manually, but this requires as much effort on the part of the programmer as with the explicit memory management in C++, and still the JVM has to look at each block during garbage collection to determine which ones are no longer used. Technically, there is nothing that prevents the implementation and use of garbage collection in C++ programs, and there are commercial programs and libraries available that offer this. But because of the disadvantages mentioned above, few C++ programmers make use of this. The Qt toolkit takes a more efficient approach to easing the memory management task for its programmers: when an object is deleted, all dependant objects are automatically deleted too. Qt’s approach does not interfere with the programmer’s freedom to delete manually when they wish to. Because manual memory management burdens programmers, C and C++ have been accused of being prone to generate unstable, bug-ridden software. Although the danger of producing memory corruption (which typically leads to program crashes) is certainly higher with C and C++, good education, tools and experience can greatly reduce the risks. Memory management can be learned like anything else, and there are a large number of tools available, both commercial and open source, that help programmers ensure that there are no memory errors in the program; for example, Insure++ by Parasoft, Purify by Rational and the open source Electric Fence. C++s flexible memory management system also makes it possible to write custom memory profilers that are adapted to whichever type of application a programmer writes. To sum up this discussion, we have found C++ to provide much better runtime- and memory-efficiency than Java, while having comparable programmer-efficiency. 2. 4. Available libraries and tools The Java platform includes an impressive number of packages that provide hundreds of classes for all kinds of purposes, including graphical user interfaces, security, networking and other tasks. This is certainly an advantage of the Java platform. For each package available on the Java platform, there is at least one corresponding library for C++, although it can be difficult to assemble the various libraries that would be needed for a C++ project and make them all work together correctly. However, this strength of Java is also one of its weaknesses. It becomes increasingly difficult for the individual programmer to find their way through the huge APIs. For any given task, you can be almost certain that somewhere, there is 7 A Comparison of Qt and Java functionality that would accomplish the task or at least help with its implementation. But it can be very difficult to find the right package and the right class. Also, with an increasing number of packages, the size of the Java platform has increased considerably. This has led to subsets e. g. , for embedded systems, but with a subset, the advantage of having everything readily available disappears. As an aside, the size of the Java platform makes it almost impossible for smaller manufacturers to ship a Java system independent from Sun Microsystems, Java’s inventor, and this reduces competition. If Java has an advantage on the side of available libraries, C++ clearly has an advantage when it comes to available tools. Because of the considerable maturity of the C and C++ family of languages, many tools for all aspects of application development have been developed, including: design, debugging, and profiling tools. While there are Java tools appearing all the time, they seldom measure up to their C++ counterparts. This is often even the case with tools with the same functionality coming from the same manufacturer; compare, for example, Rational’s Quantify, a profiler for Java and for C/C++. The most important tool any developer of a compiled language uses, is still the compiler. C++ has the advantage of having compilers that are clearly superior in execution speed. In order to be able to ship their compilers (and other tools) on various platforms, vendors tend to implement their Java tools in Java itself, with all the aforementioned memory and efficiency problems. There are a few Java compilers written in a native language like C (for example, IBM’s Jikes), but these are the exception, and seldom used. 3. Comparing AWT/Swing and Qt So far, we have compared the programming language Java and the programming language C++. But as we discussed at the beginning of this article, the programming language is only one of the aspects to consider in GUI development. We will now compare the packages for GUI development that are shipped with Java, i. e. AWT and Swing, with the cross-platform GUI toolkit, Qt, from the Norwegian supplier, Trolltech. We have confined the comparision on the C++ side to the Qt GUI toolkit, since unlike MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) and similar toolkits, This seems to contradict Java’s cross-platform philosophy and may be due to the the initial AWT version being reputedly developed in under fourteen days. Because of these and a number of other problems with the AWT, it has since been augmented by the Swing toolkit. Swing relies on the AWT (and consequently on the native libraries) only for very basic things like creating rectangular windows, handling events and executing primitive drawing operations. Everything else is handled within Swing, including all the drawing of the GUI components. This does away with the problem of applications looking and behaving differently on different platforms. Unfortunately, because Swing is mostly implemented in Java itself, it lacks efficiency. As a result, Swing programs are not only slow when performing computations, but also when drawing and handling the user interface, leading to poor responsiveness. As mentioned earlier, poor responsiveness is one of the things that users are least willing to tolerate in a GUI application. On today’s standard commodity hardware, it is not unusual to be able to watch how a Swing button is redrawn when the mouse is pressed over it. While this situation will surely improve with faster hardware, this does not address the fundamental problem that complex user interfaces developed with Swing are inherently slow. The Qt toolkit follows a similar approach; like Swing, it only relies on the native libraries only for very basic things and handles the drawing of GUI components itself. This brings Qt the same advantages as Swing (for example, applications look and behave the same on different platforms), but since Qt is entirely implemented in C++ and thus compiled to native code; it does not have Swing’s efficiency problems. User interfaces written with Qt are typically very fast; because of Qts smart use of caching techniques, they are sometimes even faster than comparable programs written using only the native libraries. Theoretically, an optimal native program should always be at least as fast as an equivalent optimal Qt program; however, making a native program optimal is much more difficult and requires more programming skills than making a Qt program optimal. Both Qt and Swing employ a styling technique that lets programs display in any one of a number of styles, independent of the platform they are running on. This is possible because both Qt and Swing handle the drawing themselves and can draw GUI elements in whichever style is desired. Qt even ships with a style that emulates the default look-and-feel in Swing programs, along with styles that emulate the 9 A Comparison of Qt and Java Win32 look-and-feel, the Motif look-and-feel, and—in the Macintosh version— the MacOS X Aqua style. 3. 2. Programming Paradigms In Qt and Swing While programming APIs to some extent are a matter of the programmers personal taste, there are some APIs that lend themselves to simple, short, and elegant application code far more readily than others.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The formation and objectives of the IFAC

The formation and objectives of the IFAC IFAC the (international federation of accountants) is a non governmental and a global organization for accountancy professional, formed in 1977 in Munich -Germany at the 11th world congress of accountants. Currently there are 164member bodies in 125 countries and jurisdictions, representing over 2.5 million accountants. Source: Q FINANCE The complex world of international auditing regulation. Objectives of IFAC The main functions of IFAC are to guard the interest of the public by developing international standards, promoting international convergence and contributing to the development of the accountancy profession worldwide. Source 16th Jan 2008.Allen Blewitt, ACCAs chief executive, goes head to head with Ian Ball, IFACs chief executive, in a wide-ranging discussion of IFACs work and the added value it offers both to its members and to accountancy professionals worldwide .What does IFAC actually do for me ? ( Formation of IFAC From a very long period of time, it was believed that accountancy showcased itself as an international profession, but it was only during the early 1960s that initiatives regarding the international standardization in accounting and auditing practices bechanced. In the year 1962, the 8th global congress conducted in New York conceptualized the idea of setting the international standards that would govern the accounting and auditing practices worldwide. However during the year 1967 in order to examine the needs of accounting profession, the 9th global congress constituted the international working party and to report back to the next international congress held in Sydney (1972). In the 1972 congress an International Co-ordination committee for accounting profession (ICCAP) was formed, following the report of the international working party. Apparently the ICCAP had also been given the remit to recommend changes for widening its work, but opinions continued to be divided, at times there were discussions about the expansion of ICCAP to become an INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ACCOUNTANTS. Thus after due consideration the final report of ICCAP declared the proposed constitution of IFAC. Source THE FORMATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ACCOUNTANTS by Prof Christopher Humphrey, Manchester Business School, England and Anne Loft, Lund University, Sweden. ( ) Setting Standards, Making History: The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), 1977-2007 by Prof Christopher Humphrey, Manchester Business School, England and Anne Loft, Lund University, Sweden. Transparency and alliance with member bodies is the main aim with which the organizational structure of IFAC has been designed. The IFAC council consists of 15 National representatives (a president, deputy president and 2 vice presidents).The main objectives of the IFAC council and the board is to look after the overall governance and the management of the organization. The council and the committee members are country representatives (if there are two or more member bodies in the country they will be collectively represented by the appointed national representative). Source PROJECTS IMPLEMENTED BY IFAC INFLUENCING THE FINANCIAL REPORTING /AUDITING PRACTICES WORLDWIDE Introduction to the general standard setting initiative taken by IFAC Development, promotion and enforcement of globally recognized standards are the only fundamental way to protect public interest. The above mentioned criteria are also the only means to ensure the prospect of information upon which investors and other stakeholders rely on. The International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB), International Ethics standards board for accountants (IESBA), International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) and the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) are collectively referred to as the public interest activity committee and they follow a rigorous process in a transparent, efficient and effective manner that supports the development of high quality standards in the public interest. These independent standard setting boards have consultative advisory groups which include public member and the publics perspective. Another initiative taken by IFAC with regard to the standard setting process is the Compliance program established by the IFAC board that evaluates the quality of the IFAC members and associates as to whether they use the best possible criteria to initiate a standard. The Compliance Advisory Panel (CAP) oversees the implementation and operation of the IFACs compliance program. IFAC initiates standard setting boards not only highlighting to the professional accountants (Professional Accountants in a Business committee) and public interests but also several initiatives have been taken to address the issue of the small and medium business and the developing nations. Such as the formation of Small and Medium practice committee that ensures standards produced are applicable to Small and medium practices (SMPs) and Small and medium entities (SMEs).The Developing Nations Committee which oversees the interest of the developing nations and the Transnational Audit Committee that deals with the needs of the members of Forum of Firms(FoF). BACKGROUND ON THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF ACCOUNTANTS (Pg 4- 6)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Psychological Problem Associated with Cerebral Palsy :: Health, Medical Research, Stress, Depression

Psychological Problems Associated with Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy is a condition that limits physical abilities. This disability affects about one child in every five hundred children (Micheksen 405). Cerebral Palsy is mostly known to affect children by severe motor impairment, however; this disorder can affect a person in a psychological way too. A cross-sectional European Study was done by a group of eleven people focusing on the psychological impact of children with cerebral palsy (Michelsen 406) Eight hundred and eighteen children between the ages of eight and twelve were involved. The main goal of the â€Å"SPARCLE† study was to investigate if cerebral palsy relates to psychological and behavioral problems. A strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) was used as one way to detect emotional and behavioral abnormalities (Michelsen 406). Along with an Impact Score (IS) that was based on questions completed by family members answering a total of twenty-five questions. The total from the Impact Score was then computed to determine if the child’s behavior was abnormal or not (Michelsen 406). The results of the SDF showed that more than twenty-five percent of children participating showed abnormal results (Michelsen 410). It also showed that children with milder cerebral palsy had higher behavioral difficulties in comparison to children with more severe cases. The reason being that severe cerebral palsy prevents certain behaviors, such as fighting or cheating (Michelsen 410). The parental impact score survey showed that almost half of all participants agreed that their child suffered difficulties. When asked how often the family was affected by the child’s cerebral palsy forty-two percent answered, â€Å"Quite a lot† (Michelsen 409). Another forty percent of parents believe their child struggles with behavior and communication skills among children their age in school (Michelsen 410). The findings from the SDQ and SI tests determined that a significant number of children with cerebral palsy suffer abnormal behaviors. This study indicates that children with cerebral palsy suffer from psychological and behavior problems when trying to communicate mostly with family and peers. Based on a research done in the Netherlands self-perception, and over-all satisfaction was tested for relevance to psychological problems due to cerebral palsy. One hundred and ten children whose age were nine, eleven, and thirteen took place in this study (Schuengel 1252) Once again the children with cerebral palsy took self-assessment surveys that included subjects such as, physical performance, appearance, and if they were satisfied with their overall abilities (Schuengel 1253).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Business Requirements Document for Baderman Island Resorts Essay

Table of Contents Revision History3 1.Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies3 1.1Related Projects and Dependencies3 1.2Assumptions and Constraints3 2.Business and Customer Requirements3 2.1Strategic Business and Customer Requirements3 3.References3 Revision History NameDateChanges and Reason for ChangesVersion Annamae Goodrick04/05/2014Baderman Island resort wants a reservation system to support the three hotels on the island. 1.0 1.Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies 1.1Related Projects and Dependencies The resort has three hotels. The hotels cater to different market segments and have slightly different needs in an online reservation system. Client needs and expectations are set forth in a set of business rules outlined below. 1.2Assumptions and Constraints IDAssumption or Constraint 1.2.1The new reservation system will be proficient in achieving the requirements. 1.2.2Design constraints for the new reservation system are based on budget limitations and migration issues since the resort has three different locations using different systems. 2.Business and Customer Requirements Enter any summary requirement information here. 2.1Strategic Business and Customer Requirements The goal is to implement a reservation system to cover all three of Baderman Island Resorts and assist in meeting business requirements. †¢Priority Legend: MH (Must Have) or WH (Want to Have) †¢Status Legend: (A: Approved, C: Cancelled, D: Delayed). Req IDDateRequirementPriorityStatus 2.2.104/06/2014The system would require that future guests make a reservation for a span of dates. MHA 2.2.204/06/2014Guests may reserve a type of room, but not a specific room. The specific room will be assigned to each guest at check-in. WHA 2.2.304/06/2014The room descriptor will include the type and number of beds available and other amenitiesMHA 2.2.404/06/2014Event or conference rooms may also be reserved.MH 2.2.504/06/2014Overbooking – Because there are many no-show reservations at the hotels, each hotel will allow a certain percentage of overbooking. This overbooking percentage must be available for each hotel and must be modified dynamically. MHA 2.2.604/06/2014The reservation system will collect customer and payment information. Future guests will use a credit card to secure their reservation. MH A 3.References Enter any references here. #Req ID RelatedReference DescriptionLocationOwner 3.1.1SR-bi-004Virtual Organization PortalBaderman Island ResortAnnamae Goodrick 3.1.2Oracle Website

Thursday, October 10, 2019

City vs. Country

Podcasts – Themes – City vs. country Introduction Download the LearnEnglish Themes podcast. You’ll find more information on this page: http://www. britishcouncil. org/learnenglish-podcasts-themes. htm This support pack contains the following materials: †¢ the article that you can listen to in the podcast †¢ an optional language activity based on the article †¢ links to other activities on the LearnEnglish website on this theme (city vs. country). Read the article Town or country mouse? by John Russell Once upon a time, there were two mice – cousins. One lived in the town and the other in the country.The town mouse was a very superior mouse, who thought that living in the town was far better than living the country. So one day, he invited his country cousin to stay with him in his town house and experience the civilized lifestyle of the town. They sat down to a meal, which to the country mouse was a feast. â€Å"Goodness me† he said. à ¢â‚¬Å"If I was in the country, I would be having only simple bread and cheese in the quiet of my peaceful home. † Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the door. â€Å"Don’t worry,† said the town mouse, â€Å"that’s just my neighbour – the dog, he wants to join us for dinner. The country mouse ate a little faster. Another noise was heard outside, even louder this time. â€Å"Oh dear† said the town mouse, â€Å"the cat who lives facing my house wants to join us too. † Quickly eating the last of his meal, the country mouse said, â€Å"thank you, but I think I will return to the peace and quiet of my own house after all! † Then he ran back home as fast as his legs could carry him. This simple tale (taken from Aesop’s famous stories) shows that what may be a good place to live for one person, may not be good for another.A modern version of this story might look like this: Maria lives in a big city surrounded by the speed and c onvenience of urban life. She works in an office with 1000 other employees, and travels too and from there on a crowded Metro. Her home is a flat overlooking a busy city-street, which is always alive with the sound of traffic and people passing by. After work she meets with friends in a bar or restaurant before going on to a disco or nightclub. Weekends are spent in the shopping mall with its numerous shops, multi-screen cinemas, fast food and entertainment complexes. Alex, however, lives in a small village in the countryside.He cycles to work down country lanes every morning, the sound of tractors, birds and animals in his ears. In the evening, he relaxes at home in front of the fire with a good book to read. At weekends, he goes for long walks in the fields with his dog. Unfortunately, life is not as simple as stories make it. A lot of today’s ‘town mice’ such as Maria would be happy to live in the country. Many modern cities have very large populations (Tokyo or Mexico City – over 25 million) and can be crowded, dirty and dangerous places to live. More than half the world’s population now lives in cities.In much of Europe and North America this can be as high as much as 80% of a country’s population. (According to the United Nations, approximately 1 billion people in cities are living in slum conditions – overcrowded and unhealthy). The 18th Century marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the depopulation of the countryside, and the move to towns. The towns became places of mass employment in factories and offices. Today, many town dwellers wish to The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Import Substitution vs. Export Promotion

Import Substitution vs. Export Promotion Econ 240 Term Paper Group (19) Members: Amjad Hussain (13020031) Awais Javed (13020529) Fahd Mukaddam (13020407) Haider Shah (13020528) Hassan Jamil (13020023) Muhammad Bilal Ayub (13020413) Words (using page 2): 371*7 = 2597 IS vs. EP 2 How do the strategies of international trade affect growth? Why at times countries adopted different strategies of international trade? How does Import Substitution Industrialization weigh against Export Promotion as a trade strategy?How does the empirical evidence help us understand this? Trade strategies are classified into two broad strategies, outward-looking development policies and inward-looking development policies. Outward-looking development policies encourage free trade and free movement of the factors of production. While inward-oriented development policies encourage greater self-reliance and restricted trade. Within these two broad approaches lies the debate between Import Substitution (protectio nism) and Export Promotion (free trade).Import substitution (IS) is a well tested way to industrialization which has been followed by most of the currently developed and industrialized countries. Alexander Hamilton’s â€Å"Report on Manufactures† (1791) argued in favor of tariffs to protect American manufacturers from inexpensive imports from Britain. In the mid 19th century, Germany, Russia and Japan also practiced protectionism to develop their domestic industries. After the great depression of 1930’s, LDCs particularly Latin American and some Asian economies started practicing ISI and in 1960’s IS became a dominant strategy for development.However in the next decade, when industries protected through import substitution failed to achieve targeted productive and allocative efficiencies, countries switched to export promotion strategies. Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore were among the first to adopt the export promotion strategy. Later, Chile , Thailand and Turkey also joined in. Over the years, the stance of countries has shifted from protectionism to free trade and globalization. So we will begin our paper by analyzing the arguments in favor and against ISI policies.Then we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks faced by the countries that switched to the export promotion strategy. The paper also explains the reasons for this transition. Finally, it concludes by giving empirical evidence of the real world regarding the effects of these strategies. It has always been in the vested interest of the economies to protect country’s large and strategic markets from foreign competition so that the local industry not only becomes self sufficient but also is in a position to induce industrialization led economic growth.In order to accomplish such goals, trends have shown (as mentioned above) countries’ increased dependence on Import IS vs. EP 3 substitution policies. Government plays a vital role in the implementa tion of these policies by imposing tariffs and quotas or altering the exchange rate and interest rate, using macroeconomic policies, to shield its local industries from the competitive foreign producers. Simultaneously, the foreign direct investments (FDIs) are expected to fill the gaps in technology and technical skills between the domestic and foreign industry.The introduction of IS policy can be attributed to the Infant Industry Argument (Import Substitution In General Equilibrium can be used to demonstrate that how the IS works in infant industry) 1, which favors the protection of domestic industry from international competition. The aim is to remove distortions between the out-dated locally produced goods and the industrialized high quality imports of similar products. Policies which governments adopt includes introduction of tariffs 2; discouraging cheaper import and at the same time encouraging production of the same goods domestically.Mostly consumer goods are produced under this strategy which ensures that the country is capable of meeting its basic necessities. Moreover, these types of goods require considerably less advanced technology, making the policy easier to adopt. Aristotle has said â€Å"What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing†; import protection is the best way to initiate this learning process because the economy is now producing goods that it previously imported – a process of development and learning by doing sets up. The economy can then move towards higher efficiency.This eventually improves the balance of payments as fewer consumer goods are now imported. It is essential that the learning process is followed by accumulation of capital. This requires the manipulation in Interest rates so as to encourage savings, and these savings can then be invested back in the protected industry. There are some macroeconomic gains associated with this policy, including reduced unemployment and increased tax revenue for the govern ment; increased local production is expected to generate job opportunities and at the same time, tariff on imports become a source of income for the government. See Appendix 1. 4. 1 & 1. 4. 2 See Appendix 1. 2 2 IS vs. EP 4 However, the IS policies have been criticized by economists for various reasons. According to them, the protection provided to the industries makes the industries inefficient because the firms start to rely on the provision of subsidies. They have no incentive to cut down costs to achieve minimum efficient scale of production and to increase productivity. Bhagwati in â€Å"Import substitution – a survey of policy issues† said that, â€Å"†¦such sheltered monopoly positions in import substituting industries are the prime cause of low productivity†.Also, the government protection to infant industries is for a limited time period, in which most industries that lurk behind the wall of tariffs never grow up. In import substitution, main focus is on the consumer goods, and therefore the prospects of economic growth are relatively short-lived. For countries to achieve long term economic growth, structural shifts are required towards the production of capital-intensive goods.However according to Jaleel Ahmad, the protection requires normally zero or low tariff on import of capital goods, hence discouraging development of forward linkages – manufacturing of the capital goods by local industries. Also for Import Substitution to be successful, according to Hirschman, forward and backward linkages need to be well-developed for the industries. This shows that for a country to have a manufacturing sector free from international dependence, it will need to develop other industries in consumer durables, non-durables, intermediate and capital goods.Another argument against ISI strategies is that it leads to the worsening of Balance Of Payments (BOP) due to the overvaluation of exchange rate, causing the prices of exports to rise but at the same time lowering the prices of imports. As a consequence, producers of exportable goods become less competitive in world market, causing a negative impact on the BOP. Keeping in mind the undesirable impacts of IS policies, economists felt the need to revise the trade strategies.Trade theorists therefore attempted to elucidate as to why nations engage in international trade, what combination of goods and services they trade, and how firms and consumers gain or lose from trade. It was observed that numerous international trade models rely primarily on the theory of Comparative Advantage (Appendix 1. 1), which describes trade patterns under assumptions of static conditions that hold the factors of production in fixed supply (Perkins). Theory of comparative advantage principally asserts that every country irrespective of its size can benefit from trade. Trade driven through exports of goods in which the country has aIS vs. EP 5 comparative advantage, benefits the count ry the most. Therefore an export promotion trade strategy involving goods that require raw material, that are abundant in supply, will allow a country to grow more rapidly as stated by the Hecksher-Ohlin model. Proponents of EP mainly argue that free trade utilizes previously unused resources such as land and labor, creates a vent for surplus of unused resources and allows a country to operate on its Production Possibility Frontier (PPF). In contrast, before the opening up of the economy, the market is constrained to the domestic consumers only.Once a country engages in free trade it acquires the opportunity to earn a global market share, thus earning higher revenues. As the market of local industries expands, demand for labor increases which raises the employment level in the country. This increase in exports stimulates domestic investment (an injection in the circular flow of the income of the country) which gives a multiplied effect on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the econ omy. Furthermore, the enhanced exports will lead to a greater demand of domestic currency in the exchange market leading to currency’s appreciation (given the floating exchange rate mechanism).According to the Marshall Lerner condition, which states that the sum of price IS vs. EP 6 elasticity of demand of exports and imports is lesser than 1 in short run, a currency appreciation will lead to an increase in the Balance Of Trade (BOT). 3 This relationship of BOT and time is shown through J-curve. An additional argument presented by the trade optimists states that the foreign exchange earned by selling different goods and services will relax the constraints of availability of financial capital or in other words, will fill the foreign exchange gap.This also helps in relieving the pressure on foreign exchange reserves built by the import of heavy machinery and capital goods. A further extension of export promotion policy is the process of export development. It involves innovatio n (of new export products) and penetration into new markets. Learning process is instituted and hence increased productivity is observed. This initiates a process of transfer of technology and foreign investment from developed countries, helping the industry to become efficient and gain the economies of scale through mass production – lowering costs and increasing profits.The increased profits of the industry promote higher savings and as the Harrod-Domar Model suggests, an increase in savings will lead to an increase in the growth rate of the economy. The Export promotion strategy is not free of criticisms as one might expect. The leading criticism of opponents of export promotion strategy is the sluggish growth in the demand of the primary goods. As developing country relies mainly on the export of primary goods, the sluggish growth enhances the volatility in the earnings of the economy. The Prebisch Singer Hypothesis explains this phenomenon in terms of income elasticity a nd price elasticity of demand.The thesis postulates that the price elasticity and income elasticity of primary goods are both inelastic i. e. less than 1. As the national income of the developed countries increases, the demand for the primary goods does not increase proportionately. This is also stated by Engel’s Law. A decrease in the prices of the exports will not lead the quantity traded to increase by the same percentage, thus resulting in fall of the exports revenue. This fall in exports revenue leads to a deterioration of Terms of Trade (TOT) of the country.Other factors that explain the slow growth in primary goods exports include the development of synthetic substitutes and protectionist measures taken 3 See Appendix 1. 3 IS vs. EP 7 by the developed countries. The population growth of developed countries being at replacement level translates into a stagnant demand for primary exports. Empirical evidence shows that heavy reliance on the export of the primary product m ay actually result in a phenomenon known as the Dutch disease; a country rich in natural resources actually suffers from slower growth as a result of that rich endowment.This is one of the often repeated facts of history when criticizing the strategy of export promotion. It was mentioned earlier that an appreciation in a country’s currency will lead to an increase in BOT, but this will only remain true for the short run. In long-run the sum of elasticity of demands of exports and imports becomes greater than 1 which consequently causes a fall in the net exports. Therefore the aforementioned argument is valid in the short-run only as in long-run it balances out its own effect on BOT 4 as shown below with the aid of diagram.In addition to the criticism mentioned earlier, Export Promotion strategy may lead to higher budget deficit. It is a usual practice of the governments to subsidize the exporting industries. These subsidies will be financed either by an increase in taxes or b y reducing the expenditure on public and merit goods such as health, education, infrastructure, national defense and other social services. Due to this practice, the development side of the country is often sidelined or overlooked.Example of China can be the best evidence for our claims about Export Promotion here. China was a closed economy until the 1970s. Nicholas R. Lardy in his article, Trade liberalization and 4 See Appendix 1. 3 IS vs. EP 8 its role in Chinese economic growth, states that around 1970s, China’s export goods had no comparative advantage and at the same time, high level of control on imports was also imposed. Hence quoting from the article, â€Å"China’s share of world trade dropped markedly, from 1. 5 percent in 1953 to only 0. 6 percent in 1977†.However, during the 1980s the process of trade liberalization began and by the time china entered WTO in 2001, her structure of trade policy was completely changed. China fully realized the signifi cance of the comparative advantage principle and concentrated on export of goods that were labor intensive in production, as the article states that â€Å"China’s fastest growing exports have been labor-intensive manufacturers— textiles, apparel, footwear, and toys. Between 1980 and 1998, export of these items rose more than ten-folds, from $4. 3 billion to $53. 5 billion†.Due to the trade liberalization, China experienced high rates of economic growth. Empirical evidence strongly suggests that pragmatism and eclecticism rules over any other single purpose approaches to trade. Thinking just in terms of an all out import substitution or an export promotion strategy can pose as an impediment to one’s clear understanding of the relationship between these strategies and growth. In future it would be better to avoid labels and to construct strategies from the components of either of these trade policies that seemed to have worked.Import substitution with its d ivorce of production decisions from market conditions seems to have lost its modern day relevance. In contrast, export promotion with its orientation towards world markets appears to be in line with the new phenomenon that is globalization. No single optimal prescription in terms of trade policy can be devised for the countries at large due to the dynamism of international trade. No strategy can be concluded as the best strategy for a country but what can be said is its relevance to a country at a point in time.Although empirical evidence shows that export promotion has helped countries like China to grow rapidly and improve its trade positions but we can also find other countries which developed after adopting import substitution policies like Latin American countries. This suggests that country have to adopt a trade strategy which is most compatible for their country at that time so that they can achieve maximum gains from trade. IS vs. EP 9 Appendix 1. 1 Comparative Advantage The ory: The concept of comparative advantage, attributed to David Ricardo, refers to the ability of a country to produce at a lower opportunity cost.It is the ability to produce the most efficient product as compared to other countries. It is best explained by a two-good, two country framework where countries differ in particular factor productivity or factor endowments. This theory explains that it is welfare enhancing for both countries to specialize in one good and import the other. The conclusion drawn from this theory is that each country gain by specializing in the good where it has comparative advantage and trading that good for other. 1. 2 Trade protectionism and Tariffs:Government impose trade restrictions in form of tariff in which it collects tax on goods imported by the people, thus discouraging the people to import goods and encouraging the local industries to produce good quality substitute goods. Introduction of tariff increases the world price, which reduces the amount of imports and increases the amount of locally consumed products. IS vs. EP 10 1. 3 Inverted J-curve for revaluation of currency: The inverted J-curve refers to the trend of a country’s trade balance following a revaluation or appreciation of the currency.A revalued currency means that exports are more expensive for the foreign countries, but as in the short run demand for the more expensive exports remain price inelastic so the quantity demanded for exports remains same although foreigners are paying higher prices. This leads to the improvement of balance of trade. Over the long term, as the foreign consumers are able to switch to the other goods, the quantity demanded for exports becomes price elastic so reduction in the export volume and hence export revenues.This leads to the deterioration of balance of trade and the gains in the short run are off-set by the losses in the long run. In case of devaluation of currency, there are opposite affects. IS vs. EP 11 1. 4 Infant In dustry Argument(ISI in general equilibrium) : IS vs. EP 12 From diagram 1. 4. 1 it can be seen that before the imposition of tariff the country was producing at point A while consuming C amount of goods under world terms of trade (favorable to its export).But after the imposition of tariff, production moves towards point B where more of the importable and less of exportable goods are being produced. Assuming that this does not affect the world prices, trade will take place at same TOT. So the new consumption is indicated by point E along the line BD (parallel to line representing world TOT). Initially, by practicing ISI polices, both consumers and trade welfare has fallen due to lower consumption and fewer imports and exports (BE